+232 78 217373 | +232 30 788383 | [email protected]


1 Macarthy Drive, New-Way, Gbaya Town, Taiama, Moyamba District, Sierra Leone

Peace & Security

  1. Advocate and share best practices on how children and teenage girls can maintain resilience while they continue to exercise their rights and voice on key security and developmental priorities limiting them to reach their full potentials.

  2. Work in partnership with the Ministry of Social Welfare Children and Gender Affairs to protect the welfare of children and report abuse on children’s issues across all working areas within Sierra Leone.

  3. We provide transformative education, especially for boys and girls encountering orphaning, violence, neglect, social exclusion, and disabilities etc.

  4. We set up kid’s club in schools, we take the kids club through a series of training on life skills, by simply building their knowledge base on good societal values, behaviors, culture, and good characters that are accepted in societies we live in. The lives skills trainings concentrate on five core acceptance skills like:

  • Critical thinking in answering questions and solving problems.

  • Communication, i.e., public speaking, drawing, writing.

  • Relationship caring, concern, compassion, empathy etc.

  • Emotional management i.e., self-control, self-esteem.

  • Social responsibility i.e., desires to contribute to and improve society.

  1. Organize a radio discussion programme on child protection issues around all our working areas within Sierra Leone.