With respect to reinforce vulnerable children’s rights in having a vision of a world where all children will have equal opportunities to access quality education to escape from poverty and fulfill their dreams. Movement towards Education and Youth Empowerment-Sierra Leone (MEYE-SL) on the 10th August, 2017 conducted a two days baseline survey on out of school going children in seven (7) villages, Kwella, Foya-wulleh, Largo-Kawelma, Toobu, Njolorhun, Mogbodo, Mambayema across the Kori chiefdom, Moyamba District, Sierra Leone across the Kori chiefdom, Moyamba district.
This action was because of fulfilling our commitment in working towards promoting sustainable development (4) goal and thus the successful implementation of a planned School Sponsorship Programme. According to the baseline survey, fifty (50) vulnerable children were targeted right across the seven villages in Kori Chiefdom in which the organization was only able to select and budgeted for the ten (10) most vulnerable children. These beneficiaries benefited from the School Sponsorship Programme with incentives like, school fees, school uniforms, shoe, notebooks, pen, pencils. We sure this helps to aid their learning process.